Curiosities about the Isabel II Bridge, the Triana Bridge

Seville is a city that has an infinite number of places to visit. Countless churches with their astonishing interiors, and one of the most spectacular places is the Seville Cathedral, and undoubtedly, the Royal Chapel inside is my favorite with the Virgin of the Kings, the patron saint of the city. As we cross the city, we encounter the Guadalquivir River, which divides the city into two banks; on one side is Seville with its old town, and on the other side is the Triana neighborhood. In fact, you can still hear older Triana residents say ‘I’m going to Seville’ every time they cross the bridge that connects the two banks.

Triana is the most famous suburb of Seville; in the past, it was a neighborhood of fishermen and potters. Its origins date back to the Almohad period, where you can find the oldest church in Seville, the Royal Parish of Santa Ana, known as ‘the Cathedral of Triana’. To cross from one bank to the other, you can use various bridges, but without a doubt, the most well-known is the Isabel II Bridge, better known as the Triana Bridge. It is named after Queen Isabel II, as its construction was completed in 1852 during her reign.

Below, we enumerate some anecdotes and stories that make it so special and characteristic:

Inspired by a Parisian bridge

Engineers Ferdinand Bennetot and Gustavo Steinacher were responsible for the construction of the Triana Bridge between 1845 and 1852. For its design, they drew inspiration from the Parisian Carrousel Bridge. This bridge was built in 1834, during the reign of King Louis Philippe, by the engineer Antonine Remi Polonceau. It was later replaced by a more stable bridge in the 1930s.

It replaced the Bridge of Boats

The Bridge of Boats once occupied the same location as the current Triana Bridge. It was the scene of the famous Battle of Triana during the Spanish War of Independence (1808-1814), where Spanish troops, supported by British forces, faced Napoleon Bonaparte’s invading troops

The oldest iron bridge in Spain

The Triana Bridge is considered one of the key landmarks of 19th-century iron architecture in Spain. It is the best-preserved bridge of its kind on the entire Iberian Peninsula. The materials used in its construction came from a Seville foundry founded by Narciso Bonaplata in 1840.

Nearly collapsed

In 1889, as a steamroller passed over it, a girder and a beam of the Triana Bridge broke. The decision was made to reinforce it. The project cost 35,000 old pesetas (about 210 euros), which was a significant sum at the time.

National Historic Monument

The Triana Bridge was declared a National Historic Monument in April 1976, although it had been an emblematic place for Sevillians and a must-visit for tourists long before that.
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